Saturday, December 17, 2016

Winter In Berlin

Peninsula Park, Portland ORE 

I Still Have a Blog? 

I totally forgot that I had this blog, which I started in 2010-2011 when I was living in France.  Now that I live abroad once more, but in Germany, it only makes sense to revive it. 

I was brought back to the blogosphere (do people use that word?) because I wanted to have a writing project for this winter. I want to explore and log my life in Berlin. A year has passed since I moved here, and I feel like a different person. 

We are always growing and changing, but this year was especially transformative. Writing always gives me a perspective and it feels so darn good to create and share. So here we go! 

The winter of 2016 was a struggle for me. I transplanted myself to Europe and quit my job that I was far more attached to then I realized. I left a tight knight community, and moved far from my family and friends. I felt far from myself, probably further then I'd ever felt. After reflecting though, I see that time, as well as the present, as a beautiful experience. The world is expanding and so are we. My heart is opening up more and more, and I'm aiming to really just embrace it and explore. 

In October, I started a 200 hr yoga teacher training that will end in June 2017. I want my yoga practice to deepen and become more dedicated. A word that I learned and have fallen in love with is 'Svadhyaya'. This means self-study or self-reflection, which is one of the five Niyamas, which are like commandments for yogis. I realized that I have been in Svadhyaya all of my life. It's a beautiful way to look at life. 

So that brings things up to date. It's December 17th, days before the Winter Solstice and I'm ready. I vow to dedicate this time to go inwards, to embrace the darkness of the season, to let my soul speak.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Travel Mindfulness

I have so many things to post and so many stories to tell, but I only have so much time! It's my last week here in Mont de Marsan, and I really cannot believe it. In between packing, wrapping up my classes, putting together travel plans and trying to say the dreaded goodbye's, I am also trying to reflect some on how this year has effected me.

Already, 8 months of my life in France have passed. Although I feel like a much different person now then I was then, 8 months is really not a long time. September feels like yesterday! It's amazing how much a person can change or experience within a time frame that doesn't feel long at all. I read this awesome article called "Why We Travel" and it just reminded me that among the many reasons I love to travel, one of the biggest reasons is being a part of the travel community. Alas, understanding and also practicing a life-long quest of learning and experiencing new things, constantly trying to self-improve and learn, and really, just the shear love of being enlightened, this, this draws "us",travelers, all together.

For now, I am going to get some sleep. But soon, very soon, I will share with you my photos and adventures in Scandinavia!

ciao mes potes!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Birthday

Oh man, the weather yesterday was so great. I think this has been the best weather in all of the 25 years, or 15, let's be honest, that I can remember.

Then, I bought myself macaroons and ate them all under a tree. The flavors include cafe, citron, pistache, vanille et coquelicot (poppie).

A certain special someone made me a cake and sang me happy birthday via Skype. And, he has frozen me a piece of cake when I get back to Chicago! Thanks Jackson, you're the bomb!

Then I looked at some pretty nature

Then I went to a soiree with some friends where I met a bearded woman.

All in all a classy French birthday!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dress You Up in my Love

Wouldn't it be great to have this bush growing up the side of your balcony? This photo was taken in St. Jean de Luz this past weekend. It's such a beautiful tiny beach town, the green mountains in the background. Tomorrow is my birthday I will be sure to post photos of the MURDER MYSTERY party I am going to. Now, I will drink tea and watch bad French TV. Adieu mes amies!



Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some Good Dancin'

I really like the dancing in this video. Hope you do too!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cherry Blossom Girl

Spring! I couldn't help myself to take a picture of this beautiful tree on my way to the thrift store. Vraiment belle, n'est pas? The weather is going to be around 80 degrees F or 28 Celcius this weekend! I am so stoked, and believe you me, I will be at the beach soaking up some vitamin D, having a picnic and thinking about how hard and stressful my life is right now :)

Enjoy your weekend by spending it outside with friends and citrus fruits (if you have a cold like me)

Jah Mon

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Dream of Summer Beaches

I've made it a point to visit as many beaches as possible since I've been in France. The sad thing is, because I came to Europe at the end of September, I haven't actually been able to SWIM in said beaches. Either way, here are some photos of beaches that I have nonetheless enjoyed despite not being able to swim in them! I think midwesterners will appreciate these!

I actually have loads more, but I don't want to overwhelm you. More later. Until then, think summer, think sand, think water, repeat.